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The top three trends in the shaping industry of diamond

Brilliant Cut Diamond Held By Tweezers.

The help of technology labs and digital technology in the diamond industry

2019 was a huge success for the lab grows diamond which is the artificial alternatives of the diamond making them the completely new and better versions of the traditional ones. The companies selling lab diamonds are thankful to the millennial taste due to their impeccable love to such pieces has made them produce 1.5 million carat polishing this year. The lab diamonds are inexpensive and are durable for decades if left untouched. One of the experts Paul Zimnisky believes that the love of the lab diamonds will grow high in 2020 and the coming years.

Let us find out the key trends in the diamond jewelry that is bringing indomitable revolution in the industry all across the globe.

Technology is not stipulated to a single industry rather it is transforming the working methodologies of all types of industries bringing in new machines to replace the traditional ones. The new machines can operate automatically demanding less manpower at work and can also bring efficiency to the product.

The diamond industry requires a perfect finish and detailed designs to win a consumer’s heart and hence it becomes necessary to cut the diamond with pure precision as it is a delicate and expensive thing. The digital technology is helping all types of diamond businessmen in providing efficiency and quality to their customers.

One can also see the new technologies like blockchain in the diamond industry.

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The increase in the lab-grown diamonds

If we segregate the lab-grown diamonds from the original ones then the percentage ration between them would be 90-95 and 5-10 respectively. This proves that the lab-grown diamonds are in demand. One of the prominent reasons for the decline in the original diamonds is the drying of major diamond resources all around the earth. One more reason can be the cost and financial crisis keeping people away from purchasing costly diamonds.

The younger generations or millennials are shifting their concepts.

The younger generation prefers to refer to social media before they put their hands into their pockets. Many experts suggest that the diamond industry must compile with the designs and must revolutionize their marketing strategies to survive in the competitive market. The social media or online shopping is creating a new digital market where every company’s marketing team has to focus, develop, optimize, and take key decisions to keep their company ahead of the competitors.

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